10 years ago Pat was called back following a routine mammogram and this was the start of her personal battle with Breast Cancer. With surgery and treatment available at the time Pat has managed to beat her cancer. Pat firmly believes this is all thanks to researched funded by charities such as Walk the Walk. The pair are training hard and in true Walk the Walk custom will be wearing decorated bras for the marathon itself to unite against Breast Cancer and raise awareness and funds to ensure research continues.
The fundraising is going extremely very well and to boost their total Pat & Abie organised a Race Night with the help of a grant from Rightmove. The night was a huge success with fun had by all, local companies supported them by donating raffle prizes. Guests paid &10 a ticket and were greeted with a glass of prosecco on arrival and a finger buffet. Everyone enjoyed a bet or two and Pat & Abie were overwhelmed with everyone’s generosity, they managed to raise over &1000 on the night bringing their fundraising total close to &5500.00
Now the pair are back focusing on the training plan with under six weeks to go till their toughest challenge yet.